These Pharisees, Sanhedrin and Scribes were concerned with the control of people and having the wealth, they did not care about the people. So when Yashu'a, Isa Jesus came with the Word or Good News, they feared losing their control. Instead of following the laws of God (Elohyeem), they were following the laws of men that would suit them. This is why Yashu'a Isa, Jesus called them the devils. Just as today many of the religious community are caught up in the lust and greed with no intrest in the souls of the people. And this is why they get angry at the true followers of Yashu'a, Isa, Jesus and teachings, not because they find fault, but because it will stop their control and cash flow. Ephesains 4:19 "Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lascivousnes, to work all uncleanness with greedinness."
The fact of the matter is Yashu'a Isa, Jesus never called himself a Christian. The followers of Yashu'a Isa, Jesus were called Messiahites, or Messehans, because he was called the Messiah first (John 1:41) "He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, we have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted, the Christ."
When you first find the word "Christians" in Acts 11:26, where the word Antioch is used, they are saying Syria because Antioch Antioch is Syria founded by Seleucus Nicator, who is one of the successors of Alexander around 300 B.C. in memory of his father Antiouchus.
A Church acts like a Embassy or Sanctuary. It is like a Native American Reservation, where they are tax exempt, and they don't fall under the same laws as you do. For example, if there is a British Embassy in this State, and a British person commits a crime and runs into the Embassy, then the State can't do anything to him/her. They would have to wait until he/she comes out, or they would have to get permission from the Ambassador of the Country to trail that person. Not long ago it was the same way with the Church, they are their own "Country". A Church is its own entity and does not fall under the State. They don't pay taxes. This is why all those Black Churches were burnt down, because the people within those Churches had Tax Exempt Numbers,and they weren't paying any taxes for anything. Everything they did was under the Church, which means that the State could not do anything to them. They had no control over them, so when their Churches were burnt, they had no choice but to go back to the State and pay Taxes...