Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Egyptians Descendants of the West

"Egyptians Descendants of the West" is a pictorial chronicle of  Egyptians Descendants living in the Western Hemisphere of North American, however, not limited to the following:

1 comment:

  1. One of the most misrepresent people in North Africa are the indigenous Berber people. These beautiful people are not shown on mainstream television, movies and rarely print. These are the descendants of the ancient Berbers that the ancient Romans spoke of and wrote about.
    The originl indigenous Berbers were the North African ancestors often present day dark-brown people of the Sahara and the Sahel, mainly those caled Fulani Tugareg, Zenagha of Southern Morocca, Kunta and Tebbu of the Sahelcountries, as well as other dark-brown arabs now living in Mauretania and throughtout the Sahel, including the Trarza of Mauretnia and Sengal, the Mogharba as well as dozens of other Sudanese tribes, the Chaamba of Chad ad Algeria. The Westerners have chosen to concentrate on the most recent world of the Arab and Berber-speaking peoples and present it as if a world that have always been. "It is like comparing the Aztecs of five hundren years ago wth the ethnic mix of America today," wrote Reynolds. "The story of when North Africa was Morish and Arabia, the land of Saracens, has yet been told" (Dana Reynolds, Anthropolgist).
    Anthropologist, Dana Renolds traced the African roots of the oiginal North African people through a dozens Greek and Byzantine (neo-roman writers) from the first to the sixth century A.D. "They decribe the Berber population of Northern Africa as dark-skinned (mordern Europeans call dark-brown skn color, as black-shinned) and wooly haired. "Among these writers who wrote about the Berbers were Martial, Silius Italicus Corippus and Procoius.
    Saint Augustine was a dark-sknned Berber and many of the later Roman emperors would have trouble getting citizeship in some off todays's European states.
    There are those who say that the Berber is part of the African story of Ham, from the land of Ber, the son of bibical figure Ham.
    The original inhabitabs of Ireland before the Celts invaded were Berber people who stretch all the way from Saharan Africa Western Ireand. In North Africa they were kwon as Berbers, the oriinal people before the Arab invasion of North Africa, they were known the Ancient Greeks and Romans as "Berbarians," the Tuaregs of Nigeria, Neger, Chad, ect. are a Berber peopele In Ireland they were known as "Hibernians." The most popular recreational organization of Irish Americans the Ancieint Order of Hibernians (AOH)...
